Fire & Ash by Jonathan Maberry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Confession time...I am not a fan of zombies. I can't watch them on the screen, big or small. I generally prefer not to think about them at all. So I'm as surprised as anyone that I literally read this entire series in two weeks. This particular book I read in two days. What is it about Maberry's books that made them palpable to me? Heart...the characters were ones that the reader could actually care about. The fact that they were fighting zombies and other bad guys was incidental. The zombies could've been replaced with aliens and it would've been just as compelling of a read. This final book was an excellent conclusion to the series. Maberry tied it up nicely and put a bow on it. Well done, sir. I am now your fan. I LOVED this entire series!
Teachers and Parents -- Violence (and lots of it) between humans and zombies, violence between humans and humans, graphically described zombie gore, teenagers in violent situations without adult guidance, no strong language (thank you, Mr. Maberry), and no inappropriate physical romance. 13+ with no reservations, 12 and under with parental/teacher guidance.