4.5/5 stars....Clones. Drug lords. Futuristic dystopian lands. This books has it all! Seriously, though, this was an engaging read for the YA crowd. It had just the right mix of science fiction and adventure, that I can see most of the 11+ crowd really getting into the story. Older kids can explore some ethical themes with this one. Is it right to have a clone just for the sake of organ harvesting and keeping someone alive past their natural lifespan? (That part reminded me of the movie The Island.) Even if drug production is legal, does that make it right? Are people really happier if they're mindless workers as opposed to having clear thought and free will? There's a lot to digest in this book and I think those themes are what makes it rise to the top. Add in a swarthy display of action and violence, plus some really likable characters, and this is a recipe for success. They only reason I didn't give it the full five stars is because I felt that the last 25% of the book wrapped everything up a bit too conveniently and easily. After the struggle that was so painstakingly described for the first 3/4 of the book, the end was just too neatly packaged for my taste. Also, I had a hard time getting through the first chapter. Then it picked up, and I was cruising.
All in all, I would expect most readers of the science fiction/dystopian crowd to really enjoy this one. It was worth the time and effort.
Teacher & parents -- No bad language. No inappropriate physical contact between characters. Violence was present, both between kids/teens and from adults to kids. Some killing of secondary characters, but not graphically described in detail. Some disturbing moments described in the treatment of various characters. Certain situations are disturbing and thought provoking, and would be worth discussing with the younger set of readers. Ages 11+.